Sep 26, 2013 Western Day
* Western Day
Every Thursday,
on Western music you'll watch GREAT iM@S MAD videos.
Rocks, Pops and sometimes Classical music!?
Don't miss 'em!
* The Offspring "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" feat. Mami, Miki and Chihaya by Doromizu
The Offspring "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" feat. Mami, Miki and Chihaya (02:02) 2013-09-20 Posted |
Recently we wrote about AtelierP's very fast-paced release cycle. On closer examination, we found Doromizu releases fine videos at same or faster pace since his/her debut. Anyway, the latest work is so cooool. Don't miss it!
* Phil Collins "You Can't Hurry Love" feat. Yukiho by JohnQP
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We picked up JohnQP's work for the first time. He/She is good at making a movie of still images and expresses Yukiho's feelings well in this video with an 80's hit.
* Vintage Trouble "Blues Hand Me Down" feat. Chihaya by UKCP
Vintage Trouble "Blues Hand Me Down" feat. Chihaya (02:57) 2013-09-20 Posted |
Though she doesn't completely show up in frame, you know who is on a stage, don't you? Additionally, it is surprising that we understand she is dancing well-synchronizedly to the music.