Oct 12, 2013 Pickups
* "Stomp to My Beat" by BecchiP
"Stomp to My Beat" (02:50) 2013-10-11 Posted |
All of today's pickup will certainly make you feel happy. BecchiP featured everyone from THE IDOLM@STER 2. Have fun!
* RIP SLYME "Wonderful" by KaiP
RIP SLYME "Wonderful" (04:47) 2013-10-11 Posted |
This work seems to include two different parts. One is the part of a trio of Yayoi, Ritsuko and Miki, the other is the all-star part. Both parts go well with the song.
* Sambomaster ”Miracle wo Kimi to Okoshitaindesu" by R(abbr)P
Sambomaster ”Miracle wo Kimi to Okoshitaindesu" (01:20) 2013-10-11 Posted |
R(abbr)P released a new video for the first time in nearly a year. We feel great to see idols dancing well-synchronizedly and cheerfully. Don't miss it!