Dec 23, 2013 Pickups
* LiSA "Jet Rocket" by ARIA
LiSA "Jet Rocket" (04:53) 2013-12-23 Posted |
It's another fine Anim@s MAD. You can't absolutely take your eyes off the screen. Check it out!
* arukara "Chikusho" feat. Makoto by KashiwagiP
arukara "Chikusho" feat. Makoto (02:03) 2013-12-23 Posted |
This is our first pickup of KashiwagiP's work in two months. Makoto shows us stylish dance performance to a speedy rock music. Have fun!
* Koujimachi-Yousankan "monolithize phases" feat. Haruka, Hibiki and Takane by Hakuchumu
Koujimachi-Yousankan "monolithize phases" feat. Haruka, Hibiki and Takane (06:39) 2013-12-23 Posted |
We are surprised that Hakuchumu thought he/she was going to make a Nicom@s video with this eccentric music. Furthermore, it's amazing that this video draws us deep into its world. Never miss it!!