Nov 07, 2008 Pickups
* "Black Rock Shooter" feat. Yayoi by YayouP and HaloP
やよいロイドで ~ブラック★ロックシューター~+PV (02:11) 2008-10-30 Posted |
This is a surprizing "manual" Vocaloid work!.Do you remember "Inter-planetary Flight" feat. Ritsuko by YamanekoP and acousticP? Now, Yayoi's manual Vocaloid great work is born. YayouP provided video for sound by HaloP. Enjoy the "mysterious technology."
* Bah Samba "INTERMISSION" feat. Yukiho by ChihiroP
アイドルマスター 「INTERMISSION」 Bah Samba (01:18) 2008-10-17 Posted |
Yukiho who is the type of weak-looking and promoting guardians can be gallant and beautiful, depending on how to show.
* YMO "CHANCE" feat. Iori, Chihaya and Haruka
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Idols dance to the Yellow Magic Orchestra’s masterpiece. Though some scenes are gags, this is a cool movie on the whole.