Nov 03, 2008 Pickups
* "Interplanet Flight(Seikan-Hikou)" from Macross Frontier by JifuP
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One of the new top-level creator, JifuP, released his/her latest work! This movies is a full version of his/her part in the great omnibus MAD movie, "NicoM@S Medley 2008 Autumn Festival," gaining over 300 thousand views. Enjoy his/her other great works through the links below!
* "I Was the One" from good-cool(beatmania IIDX 2ndstyle) by OyajinoajiP
OyajinoajiP is one of movie creators who is just before hie break. Though this movie does not gain so many views, its quality and sense are absolutely great. Let's enjoy to say "I know him before his break!" Follow the links to watch his works more.